DeferRed Admissions FAQ

Florida Atlantic Lake

Remember—Deferred does not mean denied. We hope you will update us on your academic performance this fall. 

I was deferred. What do I do now?
By February 14, please take the following actions in your Application Portal:

  • Update your SSAR with first semester grades when they become available. 
  • If you have taken an additional ACT, SAT, or CLT, send the new official test score to Florida Atlantic OR self-report the new test score in your Application Portal. Students should have their official score report in front of them when self-reporting scores to ensure accurate reporting

  • If you have taken or are taking Dual Enrollment classes, submit official Dual Enrollment college transcripts from the college or university directly. This provides our admissions committee insight into how you are already performing in collegiate coursework.
    • Please ensure the name of the school where you are earning credit is listed in the "Application Checklist" in your Application Portal. If the school is not listed, you did not inform us of your Dual Enrollment credit on your application. You can inform us of your Dual Enrollment college now by completing a brief form in your Application Portal, found in the box titled "Application Update: Decision Deferred."
    • If you are earning credit through one of the Florida State Colleges (e.g. Broward College), you should request that an electronic transcript be sent to Florida Atlantic.
When will I receive a decision?
Admissions decisions may be updated as new information is received. It is our goal to have all deferred students reviewed and provided with an admissions decision by March 3. If the volume of qualified students is beyond what we can admit, then you may be placed on a waitlist.
Can I apply for housing?
No. You will be able to apply for housing once you are offered admission.
What else can I do to be accepted at Florida Atlantic?
Please do not send personal statements, essays, resumes, or letters of recommendation. These are not utilized as part of our process.

Florida Atlantic does not use AP/AICE/CLEP/IB scores in our admissions review. 

There is no appeal process for deferred students because no decision has been made on your application yet. Please do not ask to appeal.