The Department of Special Education (DSE) Degree Programs
The Department of Special Education is home to four degree programs. We offer two Bachelor’s degrees: B.A. or B.A.E. in Exceptional Student Education with certification and endorsement in ESOL and Reading and Bachelor’s in Early Care and Education (BECE). Our graduate programs include a fully online Master’s degree (M.Ed. in Special Education), and a doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in Special Education. The undergraduate and Master’s degrees are designed for education professionals interested in earning initial certification or advanced study in special education. The Ph.D. is designed to prepare personnel for leadership positions in colleges and universities, school districts, and community agencies.
The Department of Special Education offers two Bachelor’s Degrees. The Bachelor’s in Early Care and Education (BECE) and the Bachelor’s in Exceptional Student Education (B.A.E or B.A. in ESE). Our degree programs offer a traditional college experience, even for non-traditional students. Our focus is on preparing highly qualified "professional teachers,” not just people who teach!

Bachelor’s in Exceptional Student Education
Prepares students to teach individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities. Students will be eligible to apply for a Florida teaching certificate in Exceptional Student Education (ESE) with an Endorsement in Reading and Teaching English as a Second language (TESOL).

Bachelor’s in Early Care and Education (BECE)
Designed to prepare teachers and related personnel for employment in the fields of child care and children's services, working with young children from birth to age five. Students completing the BECE degree are eligible to pursue alternative teacher certification after completing their degree.
The Department of Special Education offers a fully online Master’s in Special Education (M.Ed.) that is carefully crafted to meet the needs of a variety of professionals seeking to expand their knowledge of the field of special education.

Master’s in Special Education
Fully online program that prepares students to work with individuals with various disabilities; it is appropriate for individuals who wish to earn a Master's degree while expanding their knowledge of the field of special education.

Master’s in Special Education with Concentration in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
Fully online program that prepares behavior-analytic professionals to work/consult in schools, early intervention agencies, community/residential settings, and universities.
The Department of Special Education offers a doctoral program in special education, which is designed to prepare leaders in the field. Our students work closely with faculty to conduct and publish research, present at state and national conferences, develop and teach courses, and prepare grant proposals for funding.

Ph.D. in Special Education
Prepares students for leadership positions in colleges and universities, school districts, and community agencies. Our graduates are fully adept at conducting research, creating and disseminating knowledge in the field of special education, and teaching in higher education.